Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Egg Diffusion Lab

Egg Diffusion Lab

There was a negative change in the mass and the weight of the egg. The egg mass changed by an average of -46.09%, while the circumference changed an average of -22.11%. There was more water inside the egg than outside, so this became a hypertonic solution. This caused the water to leave the egg and diluting the corn syrup. The lack of water in the egg caused it to lose mass and circumference. Cells achieve equilibrium between the solvent and the solute. Because the solute, corn syrup, is too large to diffuse into the egg membrane and equalize, the solvent, water, diffused out of the egg to dilute the solvent. 

The cell's internal environment changes so that it can adapt and function with the outside environment. It changes with the concentration gradient and achieving equilibrium. This means the solvent in and out of the cell diffuses in and out of the cell through the membrane so that the solution will become isotonic. In this lab, water was the solvent. When we put the egg in vinegar, it grew because vinegar is mostly water. This caused the water of the vinegar to diffuse into the cell so that there would be equal amounts both in and out of the cell. However, once we put the egg in the sugar water, most of the water diffused out of it into the corn syrup. This is because the corn syrup has very little water and the egg let it all go to dilute the sugar water solution. This caused the egg to shrivel up and lose mass and circumference. Just like the vinegar, once we put the egg in deionized water, it gained a lot of circumference and mass because there was a high concentration of water outside, which caused the water to diffuse into the cell.

This experiment shows homeostasis. Homeostasis is the cell's ability to maintain internal conditions despite changing external conditions. The egg, which represented the cell, diffused water into or out of itself to maintain internal conditions.

Fresh vegetables are sprinkled with water at the market so that they don't lose their color and look. If dehydrated, the plants will shrivel up, look unattractive, and die sooner than normal. Roads are salted to melt ice to dehydrate the roadside plants. Dehydration occurs because there is now more salt outside the plant cells than inside, which causes the water that was originally in the cell to diffuse into the salt, making a salt water solution. Because the original water is now mixed with salt, the cell diffuses the road water into the cells. This diffusion process causes the ice from the road to melt away and go to the plants.

Based on this experiment, I would want to test what would happen to an egg if covered in salt and put in a humid room. I would want to test whether or not the egg would diffuse the water from the air in a gaseous state into itself. I would also want to test what would happen if we put an egg in a solute. Not a solute solution, but a solid solute like on a large block of salt.

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