Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Protein Synthesis Lab

   Protein Synthesis Lab

To make a protein, you must start with DNA and RNA. We start with DNA being copied by an enzyme in the nucleus. The copy that is produced in the RNA. RNA then leaves the nucleus and goes to the ribosomes. The RNA bonds with a ribosome to make proteins. The ribosome reads the RNA strand in a sequence of 3 amino acids at a time, which is called a codon.After the chain is read, the RNA is balled and condensed up to form a protein.

The changing of bases in DNA is substitution. This is one type of Point Mutation. Substitution was almost completely harmless, We know this because the codons and the codon abbreviations did not change at all from the original transcription and translation of the DNA. Our next mutation was insertion, or the addition of an unnecessary base. This had obvious effects, as 5 amino acid sequences were changed, and so was the length of the code itself. Our last mutation was deletion, which is the subtraction of a necessary base from the DNA code. The effects of deletion from this code were catostrophic, as the sequence itself was shortened dramatically, and the sequences themselves were changed. Over half of the code was changed. Substitution was the least harmful of all mutations, while deletion was the most harmful.

Considering the fact that deletion causes the most harm out of the 3 tested mutations, I chose deletion, but instead put the deleted base at the beginning of the code. The effects were even more harmful than when the deletion occured in the middle of the code. When the first base was deleted, the amino acid sequences stopped after the start codon. There was no continuation of the code. Where the mutation occurs greatly affects the mutation and its effect on the organism. For example, the first deletion occurred in middle of code, and this lead to a change and a shortening of code. However, the second deletion occurred at the very start of the code, which lead to only one, the start, amino acid sequence to form.

This lab, although not as visual as our other ones, showed the possible effects of mutations, both harmless and harmful, and also negative. A mutation could affect our life because it would affect the proteins that make us up. They do this by adding, subtracting, or switching around the bases in the DNA code. This leads to a wrong genetic code, which will then lead to the ribosome that connects to the RNA reading the codons wrong and ruining the proteins. This would then ruin the organism, or even kill it. Deletion syndrome, or formally known as DiGeorge Syndrome, is a deletion mutation that occurs due to the deletion of a small chunk of chromosome 22. This syndrome mostly affects children from birth to the age of two years old. Deletion syndrome leads to poor development of body parts and systems, and will later lead to such things as heart defects, poor immune system function, cleft plates, and low amounts of calcium in the blood. The disease is rather rare, and less than 200,000 people throughout the world have it. Unfortunately, there is no cure to this disease, and it is a chronic syndrome. Treatment is available, but it is often lifelong, due to its fatality.

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