Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2017 New Year's SMART Goals

2016 was one of my best years yet. Not just because of grade, but also because of obstacles I have overcome from family, to friends, to school. An example of this was when my sister Shazia went to college. The day she left, everyone was excited for her but sad at the same time. However, I was just excited. I did not think I would miss her very much. As time went on with an empty, lonely bedroom in the house, I began to feel it. I would turn the corner of the staircase to her room and look inside, intending to annoy you, but then I would realize nobody was there. It was only after she left that I realized how much I interacted with her and missed her. When she came home for winter break, I could not spend enough time with her. She is an amazing sister.

Another example of family occurred over December break. Maya and I don't usually get along very well, and we would constantly get into fights over the littlest things. However, as if a whole other person took control of her body, Maya was one of the best older sisters anyone could ask for. She was there for me when I was sick, when I injured my arm, and just to hang out. It was crazy how all of a sudden she had changed. I had tried to mend our relationship many times before, but I was not great at being "the bigger man".

These changes and accomplishments last year lead to a new found determination to improve myself. One thing I noticed in this class especially is my lack of determination and punctuality in the class. I did not take this class seriously at first because I did not like the teaching method of lectures at home. When there was a blogger post or a vodcast due, I would usually do them at home, but then sometimes just blow it of because I was tired. Considering the fact the I play a sport now, I have a free fourth period. However, my 2017 new year goal is to do the homework at home, and stop procrastinating. This is more of a mental goal. One thing I am going to do is put my phone away during the vodcast. That is a major distraction for me. Another thing I am going to do is set a specific time for myself daily, or every other day, on when to do biology. Although I should have done these things in the first place, I did not, but I will do them now.

My second new years goal will be to get to school on time everyday for the rest of high school. I would usually show up to school about 2-5 minutes late about 2-3 times a week, which is surprising, considering the fact that I was punctual in middle school. The main reasons for my tardiness are lack of sleep and an increase in traffic to get to SHS. My plan this year is to finish my homework by 9-9:30pm latest (putting away all distractions such as my phone will help), and to be more productive while getting ready in the mornings. This will not only give me more energy, but then I will be able to improve in school as a whole.

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